Re: [gDesklets] Getting Guidance on How to create a gDesklet

Hi there,

moonlight ?!
gDesklets uses ADL (XML) and Python.

A tutorial... hmmm.
Well, everything you need to know can be found in the develbook
( - a bit outdated, you can download the
lastest version from launchpad or here:

Just take a look at some desklets and I am pretty sure you will figure
out very easily how to write a (g)Desklet ;).

If you have further questions: don't hesitate to ask.

Greetings, Bjoern

Am 22.10.2011 22:52, schrieb Leonel Florin Selles:
> Hi.
> Could anyone give me some guidance on how to create a gdesklet with
> moonlight, some tutorial or books, or where can I develop those one.
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