Re: [gDesklets] 0.36.1 archive available for testing

Hi there,

Right now I am stuck here:
Still working/stuck on it... :/.

~/gdesklets-0.36.1 $ make distcheck > /home/bjoern/output.txt
- /home/bjoern/.local/share
- /usr/share
- /usr/kde/3.5/share
- /usr/local/share

/usr/bin/install: Aufruf von stat für „gdesklets“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
- /home/bjoern/.local/share
- /usr/share
- /usr/kde/3.5/share
- /usr/local/share
OK, on my system (gentoo) gdesklets gets installed into /usr/local/lib. 
I guess this is the reason why it can't be found ?!
ERROR: files left after uninstall:
Well, we could easily add these files to the "clean" section as 
mentioned here:

--- snip ---
The former left-over files are not distributed, so the fix is to mark them for cleaning (see Clean), this is obvious and doesn't deserve more explanations.
--- snap ---

But I guess these files might be shared and cleaning them out could be a bad idea ?!

I am really just guessing here... so ANY help and hint is very very welcome.
Come on! Let's finally get 0.36.1 released ;) !

Greetings, Bjoern

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