Re: [gDesklets] about category


Martin Grimme wrote:
> Hi list members,
> Lauri Kainulainen schrieb:
>> Multi-display packages are a pain in the a** no matter which scheme we
>> use. Of course with tags you could add all the appropriate tags to a
>> package, but you might end up with a lot of tags for a single package.
> I have to agree with the pain in the a** thing. So yes, we should tag
> the package but not the particular display files in it.
> We should also decide on a common package format, and how to bundle
> controls.

Heh.. funny that.. I've been for a straight split between the controls
and desklets, and then handling control installation through
dependencies, but now I'm starting to think otherwise.

What would be the best for USERS, would be to have one single file that
is installed by moving it to a folder where it can be found. To enforce
the packaging we would need a simple script that forms the bundle.
Perhaps a zip with subdirs "displays", "controls", "displays/gfx", etc..

But what would be good for DEVELS (IMHO) is to have a listing of
controls, so that they don't need to reinvent the wheel and using
bundling might kill the need to submit controls separately.



  Lauri Kainulainen
   +358 40722 5101

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