ACAP backend

I read with amusement:

I've got about 95% of an ACAP server running, now, written in C++.

ACAP is a murderously complex protocol, but it'd fit the backend for
this perfectly. Previous discussion seems to generally agree, although
some folk seem to think LDAP might work.

AFAIK, ACAP supports pretty much everything we need in GConf out of the
box, we just have to define some datasets and get cracking.

As I say, I've done the hard (ish) work of writing the ACAP server, and
while it's not yet released, nor releasable, I'd like to get started on
a gconf backend driver for it, such that I can give the thing a bit of
real world stress testing.

One slight snag, there's only pretty sketchy documentation about on how
the backend API actually works. Certainly on RedHat 8, the header files
aren't even included in the RPM. (Now, if only we knew someone who
worked at RedHat we could complain to, eh?)

Does anyone have the patience required to talk me through gently?


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