Forcing enable-debug/enable-debug-minimal in garnome 2.19.1 using sed

This issue has been on my mind since 2.17, but now, I think the process 
of forcing debug mode needs to be looked at.

In particular, these Makefiles use the construct

CONFIGURE_ARGS := $(shell echo $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) | sed 's,--disable-debug,--enable-debug,')
or enable-debug-minimal.

which has the intent of forcing debug mode.

platform/glib (enable-debug-minimal)
platform/gtk+ (enable-debug-minimal)
platform/pango (enable-debug-minimal)

However, this logic is not correct, because in, the
following is used:

# For Unstable GARNOME, things are assumed to be heavily broken
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-debug --enable-tests
CFLAGS += -g

So, in all the above cases, these tests will fail, and instead of
enable-debug-minimal, enable-debug will be used (for all but evo).

I really think this test should be removed. In fact, IMHO, the idea
of using sed to hack a configure line is really superfluous.

In addition, there are some examples of sed removing --enable-debug
and these occur in:


I think it makes more sense just to hard code the proper configure

Something to consider.


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