No menus or icons with

So I sucessfully installed on a much abused RH 7.1 system,
after dealing with a fatal intltool problem and a missing extern "C"
for Xinerama in firefox, and sprinkling --with-mozilla=firefox
liberally through the Makefiles, but I'm left with no menus and no
icons.  Everything looks like it installed correctly, and I'm guessing
it's an XDG_DATA_* problem.  However, XDG_DATA_DIRS/XDG_DATA_HOME look
correct - they both point to <garnome-install-root>/share, which was
correct for 2.8.0, which is what I'm currently running.  Any ideas on
what else to check ?  update-desktop-database/update-mime-database
don't seem to help either..


	John A.

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