Multimedia Support in GARNOME (was: Re: garnome--stable and missing

> The compiling of gst-plugins-0.8.7 is not cooperating, as follows:
> ...
> grep: /usr/lib/ no such file or directory
> /usr/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/ no such file or directory
> libtool: link: `/usr/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
> make[6]: ***[] Error 1
> I've got the faad2 package (rpm) from
> which gives me and related files, but it appears I'm missing
> a libtool archive (and I don't know how to make one, either.)

I have a small request to some eagle-eyed documentation motivated
person :)

If I listed all of the dependencies that GStreamer/GStreamer Plugins
required -- the README file would become even more vastly unreadable
than it already is -- considering the number of combinations of possible
media types you could have.

So, instead of listing everything from a52dec-devel through to
zlib-devel seperately for "Multimedia Dependencies" -- does anyone have
a suggestion as to a paragraph or two that I could add to the GARNOME
README that essentially says:

---[ example ]---

* GARNOME will require some extra third party libraries if you would
like to build all the multimedia components -- obtaining these is your
responsibility -- however, good places to look are:

< For Debian/Red Hat/Slack/SuSE/Fedora/Ubuntu/JDS/other: <hyperlink> >

Make sure you have the relevant '-dev' libraries installed, otherwise
you may see failures like the ones listed in the FAQ.

---[ example ]---

Then, in the FAQ, there'd be a question like:

---[ example ]---

* desktop/gst-plugins and all current distributions:

If your build fails with:

grep: /usr/lib/ no such file or directory
/usr/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/ no such file or directory
libtool: link: `/usr/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
make[6]: ***[] Error 1

Please see the documentation section regarding multimedia plugin support

---[ example ]---

I ask, because I have a feeling that this kind of issue is going to crop
up more and more as people discover that GStreamer is
'the-way-of-GARNOME-2.1x' and that it isn't as cut-and-dried as the old
'just install fifth-toe/xine-lib' solution.



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