Re: suggestion on improving the build-process

On Sun, 26 Sep 2004, Christian Schneider wrote:

> guenther wrote:
> >
> It would be nice if we had a report when make install is finished. A 
> list of all failed packages and why they failed would help very much.
> This should be written to a log file. So I could simply start make 
> install and after some hours come back and check what did nor work.

this is what I usually do, especially on remote systems.

make install && echo GARNOME make-install succeeded | mail \
mattrose folkwolf net || echo GARNOME make-install failed | mail \
mattrose folkwolf net

> greets,
> Christian

Matt Rose 	     Senior Technical Analyst 	        mrose n-able com
He's an unconventional flyboy gentleman spy fleeing from a secret
government programme. She's a cynical hip-hop politician who hides her
beauty behind a pair of thick-framed spectacles. They fight crime!

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