RE: so know one can help me write a run script

Oh, now I understand everything. (For those who donīt know, the native
language on Jamaica is the jamaican creole english, which is a
variation of standard english with at least 4 dialects - most of them
quite donīt use punctuation; so, his native language IS english, but
not OUR english...).

Well, the point is: you donīt know how to CREATE the script. A script
is a file, edited on a text editor. Since you said you have gnome
installed, All you need to do is: open a text editor like gedit or
gnotepad, write the script there (line by line) and save it as
gnome-session. After that, just follow the rest of my instructions...

BTW: I must agree with most people of this list: I am not sure if
garnome is for you; Garnome is a kind of snapshot, a development
release, designed to be used by developers and those mad guys who love
breaking and fixing again their systems. You seem to be much more a
final user than a risk-taker. So, why donīt you try a "normal"
distribuition? And if gnome is what you have on fedora and you donīt
like it, why do you think that garnome (which is just a gnome
distribution) would be better? Maybe you could try using other desktop
managers, like xfce or kde (ouch!).


> And I am a jamican but I have been living an a American for 16 years
I have
> graduated from Kennesaw State University in GA 

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