Re: gedit in garnome 0.27.1

Jens Bech Madsen wrote:

I didn't mean to suggest rebuilding those would help. I think it is just
debugging output meant for the developers. I think you can safely ignore
those warnings. I get them with a variety of programs without having
problems with them.

The question is why gedit doesn't work for you. Running it through gdb
or strace are still my only suggestions...



My only problem with this is that I've never used gdb or strace before, and while I took a look at gdb last night, it scared me witless. I spent about an hour seeing if I could get gdb to run gedit but despite reading the man page and looking at the options I couldn't get gdb to give me any output that looked even vaguely meaningful. In fact I'm still not sure if gdb even ran gedit at all. I appreciate that this is down to my stupidity and not any fault with gdb, but I'm not a developer and I'm feeling a little out of my depth with this one. Is there a recommended 'beginners guide to gdb' out there for non-developers?



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