Re: gnome-terminal color problems SOLVED

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 01:53, Jens Bech Madsen wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 06:32, Aapi Hämäläinen wrote:
> > Barthel aus Pennswald wrote:
> > 
> > >On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 16:25, Peter J. Viglucci wrote:
> > >  
> > >
> > >>The LS_COLORS variable was not set on the user account. Doh! Thanks 
> > >>everybody.
> > >>    
> > >>
> > I've noticed that I get no colors (LS_COLORS isn't set) in 
> > gnome-terminal unless I set the 'run command as login shell' -bit in 
> > 'edit profile->title and command'.
> This is likely because you set up whatever you need to set up to get
> colours in your .profile (or some other file which is only used for
> login-shells). For bash look at the 'INVOCATION' part of the man page.

Ah, but it did work previously because the environment was set up as
part of the gdm login process. In fact, all of my other "login"
variables are set correctly--only LS_COLORS is unset.

I've just done a test: I reverted my ~/.bashrc change and started a new
gnome-terminal. Here's some output:

$ env |grep LS
LS_OPTIONS= --color=auto -F -b -T 0 -v
$ eval `dircolors -b`
$ env |grep LS
LS_OPTIONS= --color=auto -F -b -T 0 -v
$ gnome-terminal &
[1] 8538
$ xterm &

The child gnome-terminal inherited everything except LS_COLORS, but the
plain old xterm inherited everything--including LS_COLORS.

Therefore, IMHO, there is a bug (or a misfeature) in gnome-terminal that
is unsetting LS_OPTIONS. It's not deleting it from the environment, but
it's not passing it's value either.

I've tried exporting some other variables, thinking it might be length
issue, since LS_COLORS is usually quite long. However, exported
variables defined in the current shell are not being included in the
environment of the child shell. I tried variables of 2 characters and
>256 characters: both were lost to the child gnome-terminal, but a child
xterm kept them. However, unlike LS_COLORS, the variable names were
missing as well.

I'm thinking it's Bugzilla time....

Barthel aus Pennswald <barthel sbcglobal net>
The Pennswald Group

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