Re: No more problem with 0.18.0

<quote who="Steve Smith">

> > I'm attempting to make testing reasonable for people who don't run the
> > very latest XFree86.
> On that note, I've managed to get fontconfig/Xft/Xrender to install into
> the garnome tree under Xfree86 4.1.  It all builds OK, but on running it
> fails rather unceremoniously.  .xsession-errors shows pango is retrieving
> a null fontset, but fontconfig doesn't have any error output.

Can you run fc-list (make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and stuff are set), and
check ~/.font.cache-1? If it's big, with lots of fonts listed, you're set to
go. If it's not... Edit the fontconfig garball's Makefile and comment out
the PATCHFILES line. make clean and make install again.

Turns out the Red Hat patch broke stuff for me, and has probably done the
same for you. Scarily enough, it was shipped with RH8. :-(

- Jeff

           "It's weird being without white noise." - Catie Flick            

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