Re: moving the garnome directory - Conclusions

Thanks Jeff for all your help.

Here my summary instructions to move the garnome directory:

This summary applies ONLY in the case you had previously installed
garnome using the standard procedure at $HOME/garnome


- You MUST recompile in order to relocate to a new directory
- Recompiling will NOT work by just modifying the value of prefix

So, here it goes:

To prevent downloading the *tar.gz and *tar.bz2 files again do the

   mkdir /somepath/garnome
   mv garnome-0.12.0/gnome/*/download/* /somepath/garnome/.

now you can get rid of 


unpack garnome-0.12.0.tar.gz into a fresh subdirectory

     tar -xvzf garnome-0.12.0.tar.gz

cd garnome-0.12.0

and modify the following lines in

     FILE_SITES = file://$(FILEDIR)/


    FILE_SITES = file://$(FILEDIR)/ file:///somepath/garnome/


    prefix ?= $HOME/garnome


    prefix ?= /usr/local/garnome

or your favorite path


    cd meta/gnome-desktop
    make install

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 14:55, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Mario J. Borgnia">
> > No, you did not. But in any case, I read the README file, and there is a
> > bug, it says: 
> > 
> >      FILE_SITES = file://$(FILEDIR)/
> >      file:///home/user/downloads/garnome/
> > 
> > which does NOT work, instead of:
> > 
> > FILE_SITES = file://$(FILEDIR)/ file:///home/user/downloads/garnome/  
> The wonders of line wrapping. :-)
> > but, in addition, there is no mention of where to get the garball from,
> > and that is the origin of my question. Hopefully by making this explicit
> > in the mail-list, other users will benefit.
> garballs are GAR packages, they're the directories in the tree that you
> start builds in. *tar*balls are downloaded under those directories.
> - Jeff
> -- 
>    It makes perfect sense. If you're a narcissistic arsehole spawned from   
>                             a curdled gene pool.                            
> -- 
> garnome-list mailing list
> garnome-list gnome org
| Mario J. Borgnia, Ph. D.        |
|                                 |
| Lab of Cell Biology             |
| NIH NCI/CCR                     |
| 50 South Drive Rm 4306 MSC 8008 |
| Bethesda MD 20892-8008          |
|                                 |
| Tel: (301) 594 0563             |
| mborgnia nih gov                |
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 essential freedoms for temporary 
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