Re: Mozilla 1.2.1 for normal users

I notice this thread's been going on and on and on.

Frankly, I've been ignoring it.

Is there something wrong with just downloading the source from and compiling it? It's not hard to do. On that note, there's not much of an advantage of compiling the source yourself over using provided binaries.
If you're running Gentoo, you can just emerge it and it will go just 
like Garnome.

Simon Wong wrote:
On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 06:19, Tomasz Król wrote:

Just did it. Mozilla compiled as normal user can't start from this user's
account and can't start from root's account... I've bring back my gzipped

Go to the top of your garnome installation and change the ownership of
ALL files to your normal user account and then change the permissions to
be writable by your normal user only and readable by group/other.  Don't
forget to make directories executable by other so they are traversable.

It looks like mozilla needs write or execute rights somewere, where only
root can do it. Not very safe...

NO, hence the permission changes above.

If someone has/had similar problem please let me know.

Not that it helps but my Mozilla built and ran first go...

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