Re: Beginners questions...

begin  Steve Smith  quotation:
> On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 11:15, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> > Now cd into meta/gnome-desktop and do a "make deep-garchive".
> ... "after applying the deep-% patch you can find in the list archives."

	Ah, right.  I keep forgetting.

> While we're on the subject, why does "make garchive" download a copy
> to the garchive and to download directory rather than just
> symlinking to the garchive?

	If the file is *in* the garchive, it will symlink.  If it is
not, then you get a download.  Files get copied instead of symlinked
into the garchive so that they can survive a "make clean" in the
package.  Note that the garchive does a cp -L to make sure it actually
gets a real file in there.

A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

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