Re: [gamin] greedy gam_server

On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 07:52:36PM -0500, Barry Rountree wrote:
> On Saturday 04 November 2006 10:19, Bruce Bales wrote:
> > You and I may be the only ones on this list.  Good luck, 
> > bruce
> Well, there don't appear to be any developers around....

  I posted a new release 0.1.8 no later than 5 days ago
I can't comment on problems I have no idea how to reproduce and sometimes
without any description 'it's greedy', yeah sure it depends what the other
parts of the software ask it to do. There are tools to help debug on the
client machine:
For questions like "how do I remove it" it's a desktop infrastructure
problem and check with the other tools maintainers or your distro.
I could explain why gamin sucks, it's based on what it was asked to do
and what is available to implement it, I don't think anybody care, it's
just simpler to complain, right ?


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