Re: Feature freeze incoming...

Why does it have to be during my exams?

I would possibly take on the tetravex relayouting since I've done that
in quadrapassel already. I think I could get that to work.


Am Mittwoch, den 05.02.2014, 16:54 -0600 schrieb Michael Catanzaro:
Bored and need something fun to do? What could be better than hacking on
GNOME games! We currently have 1.5 weeks left before freeze (unless it
gets rescheduled) and I want to finish more than I can handle myself.
For anyone interested in helping out with a task, here is a (potentially
achievable) list of what I'd like to accomplish:

Iagno: The prototype scoreboard either needs to be dropped for now, or
else implemented. (This is the only serious blocker issue in any of the

Nibbles: Need to remove the End Game menu item; this means we have to
re-allow accessing Preferences while a game is in progress.

Five or More: I made it look horrible on Large field size. We need to
teach the window to resize itself when the field size changes, or find
another way to make it not look bad.

Tetravex: Was one of the first games to be redesigned this cycle, when
we were placing buttons beneath the playing field instead of on the
right. Would be good to move the buttons to the right side of the
playing field, to go with the style of the other games. Resolve should
be on the top-right, and a tri-state Play/Pause/New Game on the bottom

I'll be working first on making Four-in-a-row much easier to beat.
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