Require guidance in gnome-games development


 I got stuck in compiling the the source code can you please help me .

I tried building  jhbuild from,   but am getting this error

neelima@neelima-VirtualBox:~/checkout/gnome2/jhbuild/examples$ jhbuild build
I: unknown keys defined in configuration file: autogenargs_docs
jhbuild build: could not download HTTP Error 404: Not found

I even tried  with autogen  but its giving an error

neelima@neelima-VirtualBox:~/vala/gnome-games$ ./
checking for autoconf >= 2.53...
  testing autoconf2.50... not found.
  testing autoconf... found 2.68
checking for automake >= 1.9...
  testing automake-1.11... found 1.11.3
checking for libtool >= 1.5...
  testing libtoolize... found 2.4.2
checking for glib-gettext >= 2.2.0...
  testing glib-gettextize... found 2.32.0
checking for intltool >= 0.40.4...
  testing intltoolize... found 0.50.2
checking for pkg-config >= 0.14.0...
  testing pkg-config... found 0.26
Checking for required M4 macros...
  yelp.m4 not found
***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build Gnome Games
  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden
  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your

neelima@neelima-VirtualBox:~/vala/gnome-games$ ./ --prefix=`pwd`/install
checking for autoconf >= 2.53...
  testing autoconf2.50... not found.
  testing autoconf... found 2.68
checking for automake >= 1.9...
  testing automake-1.11... found 1.11.3
checking for libtool >= 1.5...
  testing libtoolize... found 2.4.2
checking for glib-gettext >= 2.2.0...
  testing glib-gettextize... found 2.32.0
checking for intltool >= 0.40.4...
  testing intltoolize... found 0.50.2
checking for pkg-config >= 0.14.0...
  testing pkg-config... found 0.26
Checking for required M4 macros...
  yelp.m4 not found
***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build Gnome Games
  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden
  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your

Can you please help me out.

Thank you


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