Re: Splitting GNOME Games

On 31 October 2011 05:18, Jordi Mas <jmas softcatala org> wrote:
> En/na Robert Ancell ha escrit:
>> If we split, we need to define what the "GNOME Games" team is.  I
>> propose that we are a team that maintains a set of "good quality"
>> games for GNOME.  I suspect the split games will give us some good
>> options:
>> - Adding in new games as technology changes
>> - Dropping games that are a support headache
>> - Keeping the team healthy by bringing in new people
> Hi Robert,
> It is great that you bring these issues.
> This can be a good opportunity to make gnome-games more inclusive to new
> games developers.
> Until now, we have been restricting the number of games in GNOME Games
> package telling new game developers that their games cannot be included.
> This is an exclusive approach. I suggest to consider:
> - Defining a criteria of what is a GNOME game (technologies, etc)
> - Define a clear process for a game be part of it
I also agree.  One more thing we need is:
- Define a clear process for removing games from the "GNOME Games"
maintained list.

Note of course removing games does not remove them forever.  It just
means that the GNOME Games team would no longer make releases / ensure
they are bug free.

The number/type of games we could support would be based on the
currently active GNOME Games maintainers and developers.

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