Splitting GNOME Games

Hi all,

I've heard it was decided that GNOME Games would be split, but I think
I missed the memo somewhere.  Shall we confirm / deny such rumours?

For the record I've no issue with it occurring, and here's some info
that might help:
- Ubuntu has been delivering the games split for some time with no
problems.  It was often requested by users.
- Debian has recently split their packages based on the assumption
that we are splitting upstream.
- The biggest blocker to splitting is libgames-support - anyone got
any plans for that?

If we split, we need to define what the "GNOME Games" team is.  I
propose that we are a team that maintains a set of "good quality"
games for GNOME.  I suspect the split games will give us some good
- Adding in new games as technology changes
- Dropping games that are a support headache
- Keeping the team healthy by bringing in new people

My guess is the release process wont be significantly harder that a
simple 'for game in a b c d ; do cd $game; make distcheck ; cd -;
done.  What do our releasers think?

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