Frog! Game for Linux Ubuntu 10.04 -- debugging help request. Lazarus Free Pascal

Hi All,

Sorry but I have come in half way thru' this conversation. I changed
the subject :-)))

I am not really up on the latest in Linux graphics today. My latest
game (Frog game) was completed as a Source Forge open source public
domain game a few years ago. Someone made a mobile app game from it
and at the time I even was on a bus here in my home town (Hobart) and
saw a child playing my game. I was both simultaneously proud and also
a little lost for words and I lost the email and company details of
the folk who made it.

Here is my last Frog game: for Windows XP

It is written in Delphi 7 for Windows XP and someone emailed me that
they had converted it to a mobile app. I am pretty sure he/she would
have used Lazarus free pascal. It was open source and public domain.

Lazarus is a clone of Delphi 6 and is cross-platform. I now am a
casual developer and my game writing takes a second seat in my life.
:-) It is a strong interest as I no longer work and I am very aware
that my health must not suffer. I don't work any more and I'm on a

I welcome input about the Jedi SDL games being developed and I'm also
interested to ask what languages people develop with. I tried
converting my legacy Delphi 5 & 7 apps to Lazarus free pascal with
much success. I am still developing them and have interests in new

Is anyone interested in developing games with me. If so, which
programming languages do you use. I want to learn Java and I know some
internet friends interested in helping.

(version 1.1)

This is the Frog! Retro remake game for Windows, of the original
Commodore PET game by Bob Carr circa 1980. The version has been
developed 2002-2006 by Peter Eric Williams (me). ---- alpha of next version... my first
launchpad project. :-)))

(alpha of next version with a bug. The bug is that the graphics don't
display property. Run it and you'll see. Binary included. You'll need
to install Lazarus Free Pascal if you want to debug it and it's just
like Delphi 6).


The game uses it's own graphics unit based on Jedi SDL graphics which,
at the time were pre-1.0 release. Circa 2003. I have about 5 months
ago created a new Lazarus version and it has at least one bug. I am
unfamiliar with graphics debugging as this was my first arcade game.
:-))) Previous version in Delphi 7 for Windows XP found on source
forge (see url above).

About ME & Background

Poetry is another strong interest for me.

It was very rewarding to see a young child enjoying my game (Frog!
Retro Remake Game) on his mobile phone. My Source Forge was converted
by someone else (don't know the platform).

I don't really play mobile phone games so I didn't feel that I knew
enough about them to see the transition from Windows XP arcade style
to mobile phone game. I am happy to see that someone too over my game
and I have rewritten parts of it and trying to debug it with I think
one bug. :-)))

I have schizophrenia and a type of autism and am on medication. :-) I
am very well these days and see a psychiatrist regularly.

In many aspects I am one of the very lucky persons with schizophrenia
as so many of us do not get the help we need. Drugs, alcohol, and
gambling and different addictions are all contributing factors to
mental illness in society. Also bad neighbours and near-slum
conditions make illnesses worse.

Hobart is a beautiful city and quite conservative. It is the capital
on an island called Tasmania in Australia. Us Aussie's tend to be very
down to earth. If you ever meet an Aussie he/she will probably say
"G'day, mate. How ya going?" -- we tend to ask how are you? Not every
detail about your life story. Of course there are always exceptions.

If you want an insight into mental illness in Tasmania the look up the
Martin Bryant killings of dozens of people in Port Arthur in Tasmania.
He used to live here in Hobart and lived alone (or possibly with his
girl friend... I don't know the exact details) and he played one of
those first person killing games for "enjoyment".

One morning he simply got up, had breakfast and drove to Port Arthur,
stole some weapons and proceeded to visit an old convict settlement
called Port Arthur which was a thriving tourist attraction and
systematically murder more than two dozen innocent humans for hours.
He was captured alive and sent to trial. He was found to NOT have any
mental illness and is rotting in jail NEVER to be released.

All this was before I came to live in Hobart. About 6 months later my
mum and I came to Hobart for a 2 week holiday and we did some bus
trips around the state. We found it to be a very pretty island with
many down to earth people. There are many craftsmen, artists, poets,
musicians and greenies. The forestry industry here is in a bit of
trouble... Just do some reading about the Gunns wood chip factory
being built. We also have a Cadbury's chocolate factory in Hobart !!!!
mmmmm..... chocolate!!!! :-))))

I lived in Canberra at the time working for the Government as a
draftsman and database and website person. It is almost 8 years now
since I moved to Hobart and the people here and friendly and fairly
conservative. I also attend church on a regular basis.

I do not develop violent games :-)))

With Best Regards,
   PEW { Peter Eric Williams }
from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

My FREE Website: and
and more... (ask me)

On 20 November 2010 20:55, Vesa Paatero <vpaatero lavabit com> wrote:
> Dear Jason et al,
> I apologize that I entered this list with such a negative tone to begin
> with. It was fed by frustration... as my software had changed for the worse,
> as I felt it, and I couldn't see a way to revert it ... plus there was an
> earlier case regarding gnome-terminal where some people's desire for fewer
> options, in the name of "elegancy" or whatever, limited other users' freedom
> of choice.
> You who compile programs yourself don't so easily come to grips with the
> problem that manifests with distros like Ubuntu where you can choose when
> you upgrade your system but the whose system gets upgraded and you cannot
> really control or prevent a particular program from getting upgraded -
> sometimes the change being for the worse (from the particular user's point
> of view, at least).
>   Now that Gnome is the official primary user interface system of a
> widespread system like Ubuntu, these things are worthy of consideration.. In
> practice, this would suggest that as long as the name of a package remains
> the same, changes should be ones of evolution rather than revolution. Well,
> in the case of SameGnome and Swell Foop the name of the package did change
> but that was little use because the package of Swell Foop was unfortunately
> marked to exclude the installation of SameGnome. Thus, if they were to be
> installed simultaneously, either one had to be installed by inofficial
> means.
> Best Regards,
>   Vesa Paatero
> PS. If anyone feels so inclined, I'd appreciate any hints regarding why high
> scores don't work in my installations of Swell Foop or SameGnome anymore..
> It seems that the name of the high score file is constructed from some Gnome
> settings or some way that I couldn't easily decipher from the source code.
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 23:30:45 +0200
>> From: Vesa Paatero<vpaatero lavabit com>
>> To: games-list gnome org
>> Subject: Re: How to get the orbs of SameGnome back?
>> Message-ID:<4CE59B05 7040006 lavabit com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Hi,
>> I wrote and Jason responded:
>>>>  I and our children were recently disappointed to find that the orbs of
>>>>  SameGnome have been lost. Why on earth did you guys change the
>>>> good-looking
>>>>  orbs of SameGnome to the plain squares of Swell Foop, without any
>>>> option to
>>>>  use "legacy graphics" or anything?
>>>  They were neither good looking nor scalable. The new engine has
>>> animation
>>>  and the old one did not. By any objective measure, the new version is an
>>>  improvement.
>> Come on, that's not really true. For example, the new script-based
>> system is slower: When you gather a large contiguous area of the
>> same color in Swell Foop and click to remove it, you
>> notice an extra delay... how clear it is, depends on your computer.
>> Mark wrote:
>>>  Does Swell Foop use customizable /replaceable SVGs for its images? (all
>>> GNOME games really should)
>>>  If so, couldn't someone remake the orbs "good looking" and in scalable
>>> SVG?
>> Thanks for suggesting. As to my case, I managed to install the game
>> by ripping apart the .deb package of an older version.
>> The high scores, however, no longer work in either game.
>> For Swell Foop, I can find the score files in /var/games and
>> see their reasonable contents, but the game won't show them.
>> (it is v1.0).
>> Vesa
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