Re: Fwd: MIT OpenCourseWare Permission Request for [6.111 Spring 2006], OCW000007995

Alan Horkan wrote:

> How is a screenshot not Fair Use?

If a screenshot is used in Publication X, it may be fair use, but if Publication X is relicensed as a whole, the use of the screenshot may not necessarily be fair use anymore. Remember, the screenshot doesn't get the licence of the publication in which it is used simply because its use is fair use in *that* publication.
This is why the Wikipedia prefers screenshots that are relicensed as 
FDL.  A screenshot in the Wikipedia can only be used in the Wikipedia, 
and if content from the Wikipedia is reused in terms of the FDL, the 
publisher of that release must determine for himself if the use of the 
screenshots are still fair use or not.

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