I tried to reach the copyright holder Marcin at various email addresses I could find for him. Unfortunately all of them bounced and there is only two days left to reply in. Does anyone know Marcin's new email address? - Thomas ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lindsey Weeramuni <lweera mit edu> Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:17 PM Subject: MIT OpenCourseWare Permission Request for [6.111 Spring 2006], OCW000007995 To: phomes gmail com Thomas H.P. Andersen phomes gmail com Dear Content Owner, On behalf of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare program (OCW), I am writing to ask your permission to use the material listed below. We are making this request on behalf of Professor Anantha Chandrakasan, in connection with the course entitled, 6.111 Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory. Please use reference number OCW000007995 in all correspondence. Permission is requested for the following (see attached screenshot file 33003.pdf): Gnometris screenshot in-game screenshot Ref #: 4746-19719-18902-33003 To grant your permission, please approve the attached license (file OCW000007995.pdf). You may print and sign the license and return it to our office; or simply reply to this email with the statement: "I approve the terms of the MIT OCW IP License and Release Form." We would be grateful for a response by: 4/10/2008. If you are the wrong person to review this request, we would be grateful for any forwarding information you can provide. MIT OCW is a web-based electronic publishing initiative described at http://ocw.mit.edu MIT OCW is a free and open publication for students, instructors, and self-learners around the globe. We have published over 1800 courses from across the Institute, and receive an average of over thirty-five thousand visits per day. We have four translation partners, over one hundred and twenty mirror sites, and affiliate OCWs in more than a dozen countries as part of the Open Courseware movement. Use of your content on OCW is governed by a Creative Commons license, details of which can be found here: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/terms-of-use.htm If you have any questions please contact me directly at (617) 253-2738. Sincerely, Lindsey Weeramuni One Broadway Eighth Floor Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone 617.253.0266 FAX 617.253.0955 http://ocw.mit.edu/ Request #: OCW000007995
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