Re: new games to write for aisleriot (was Re: Maintainership ofgnome-games)

On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 00:23 -0500, Richard Hoelscher wrote:
> Richard Hoelscher said: (replying to myself...)
> > "Thirteen" is just about  impossible because of the combination of
> > facedown & single draw ....
> Impossible enough that someone filed Bug #339083. I also forgot to mention
> that I just can't find any rules or examples outside of aisleriot of
> "Trieze", "Thirteen" or "Yeild". "Pryamid" and PrettyGood's "Triangle"
> come pretty close to the latter two.

FWIW I learnt "Thirteen" as a child, with the rules that are in
Aisleriot (2.14). However I did only every win once.


James "Doc" Livingston
"Every time I look at my speedometer, I get lost!"
    Heisenberg's Automotive Lament

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