[aisleriot] rentoy with an stupid AI

Hello guys,

I'm keep on developing rentoy, a spanish card's game. 

You can have a look at

Or download the latest sourcecode as anonymous user fron the subversion
server :


I finished the game's logic (rather elaborated). 
Now I'll develop an AI for such game.

I have got a few questions for you:

1. Is there a way to save some of my state variables?

2. Is the answer to the question 1. was "No, there isn't". Is there a
way to hide the forward (redo) and backward (undo) arrows?
3. I know there is a way to hide the score. Since rentoy is a game with
two challengers, I don't need the one located in the down-right corner.
Could anybody show me an example where it is hidden?

All your suggestions are welcome.

Cheers; Fran.

PS: Be careful if you have a spanish translation of aisleriot. The
published packages and the Makefile installation will overwrite 
those files. 

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