Re: gnotski Next Previous, Page Up Page Down?

On Sun, 17 Apr 2005, Richard Hoelscher wrote:

> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:11:52 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Richard Hoelscher <rah rahga com>
> To: Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie>
> Cc: games-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: gnotski Next Previous, Page Up Page Down?
> Alan Horkan said:
> >
> > How about using Page Up and Page Down to skip to the next game in Gnotski?
> > (Could probably also use the gtk-go-forward gtk-go-back icons)
> We already do the forward and back icons in CVS, and I like the idea of
> using Page Up and Page Down buttons to switch puzzles.

I saw a similar usage in a Sokaban game I was playing and it makes sense
to me to think of each board like a page.  Normally I would be very
cautious about using Page Up and Page Down for anything other than
scrolling up and down a page a point that seems to be wasted on many
developers (but I've no problem using them to do other things so long as
they are modified with Ctrl, Shift, Alt).  I also didn't want to use the
arrow keys in case they might be needed if anyone ever wanted to try and
make the game work with only a keyboard but no mouse.

> This will be a trivial patch, so I'll go ahead and do it sometime soon.

I wanted to do it myself but I suppose there is other stuff I really
should be doing and it would probably take me twice as long as it would
take you.

> I'm also looking at pulling the "Hint" menu item, renaming it, or finding
> another way to do it. I used "Hint" in place of "Tell Me The Fewest Number
> Of Moves That I Can Solve This Puzzle In."

The best time for this information might be when you complete a level
to encourage you to play it again until you get the minimum number of

On a completely unrelated note I think it is amusing that Klotski is not a
KDE application.  Silly gnaming konvetions.


Alan Horkan

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