Re: Need some infos about game writing with gtk

Thank you very much!

Currently trying to design a good GUI...


On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 00:29, Callum McKenzie wrote: 
> On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 17:08 +0200, Nicolas BENOIT wrote:
> > Hi there!
> > 
> > This morning, I just came up with the idea of writing a
> > Rock-Paper-Scissors game. It would be called ShiFuMi ant use GTK.
> > Some interesting features: AI and network game...
> > 
> > I just had a look at the Gnome-Games project and I think it can be
> > pretty helpful. Anyway, I am writing this message in order to get some
> > informations about the libgames included in gnome-games... What is it?
> > 
> > Do you have any advice for the development of this kind of program?
> > 
> The code quality inside gnome-games is highly variable. Mahjongg and
> glines are good examples since they have received a lot of attention
> recently. gnomine is also good, but uses some unusual techniques (like a
> custom widget for the playing area). gtali is not a good example since
> it was a port from a curses based program. Other games are somewhere
> in-between as far as being examples of how to write a game.
> The libgames library is just a collection of useful common code for
> gnome-games. Some of it, like the clock routines, are only useful for
> games. Some, like games-frame, are just there to make HIG compliance
> easier. Others like games-file are quite useful in their own right. At
> the moment it is a static library that is linked in at compile time. If
> you want to use any of the routines the best option is to just copy the
> files you want to your own project and link them in directly (like any
> other program file). It isn't going to become a shared library any time
> soon since the API is no-where near stable (this shouldn't stop you
> snarfing the bits you need).
>  - Callum

| Nicolas BENOIT                    |
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