Re: Gataxx

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 09:52, Callum McKenzie wrote:

> No one should use the scores module in libgnome. It is poorly designed
> (as Arvind found out) and will be deprecated soon.
> A replacement is in the works.

Is this a replacement in libgnome, or another library?  I think it was
in the wrong place to begin with, but that's understandable given there
was no games library.

But if there's going to be a games library (and there should), it would
be the ideal place.  Perhaps it's time to start looking at it.  It could
be distributed with gnome-games, but marked as experimental (ie unstable
API, not for production use outside of gnome-games).

One interesting question would be whether it would be back/front end
separated into two libraries, or just logically separated within the one

         Matthew Tuck: Software Developer & All-Round Nice Guy        
 My Short Autobiography: 1985 Grade Bin Monitor 1990 Class Clown Award
1992 Awarded Most Likely To Spontaneously Combust 1996 Crowned Galactic
         Emperor 1998 Released From Smith Psychiatric Hospital

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