Design documents / Sharp PDA

 Some good interchange lately. Just to let you all know, I got
a start on a rewrite of the design documents, which hopefully
summarizes some of the thoughts from the list. I have some
flying club obligations tonight, but will maybe have something
Wed night. I decided on three documents;

 MODULES - a description of the distinct (and hopefully
   independent) software modules or classes if you want to use
   modern jargon. From a perspective of internal functionality, the
   user interface issues are addressed in the following document.

 DESIGN - a discussion and overview of desired end user capability
   with emphasis on the user interface, both input and outputs.

 TODO - a list of specific tasks that are mature in a design sense
   and well defined.  Also, who is (will be) responsible for them.

 For those interested in portable computing, Sharp is now taking
pre-orders for their Linux PDA. This article gives a nice overview;

It provides a link to the developer site, looks very promising...

 ___|___ | John C. Peterson, <jcp eskimo com> | "Once you have flown, you
  -(*)-  | will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you
  o/ \o  | have been, there you long to return." -- Leonardo da Vinci.

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