Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 19th June

On Wed, 2018-06-20 at 11:08 -0500, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote:
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:04 AM, Allan Day <aday gnome org> wrote:
 * URGENT - LuNel/Odoo development cost (Neil)
  * This has been on the agenda for a few weeks and has become
Neil - GnuCash is difficult to use and loses our financial data.
been trialing Odoo. It has an enterprise/community split model
enterprise is proprietary and community is Free Software).
we're missing is the ability to import Paypal. We've been talking
to a
company about adding this feature to the community edition for us.
They've been very helpful so far, and they supportive.
  * The choice is between this and using a proprietary solution.
code that's written will be Free Software.
  * Neil - there's scope in the budget for this. We'll have a
with them.
  * VOTE: approve $4,000 USD for a module that imports Paypal data 
into Odoo
    * +1 unanimous - approved


Sounds like we got a good price for this work.

What company is providing the Odoo development? I searched for
but didn't find any relevant web results. Is LuNel the contractor?

They are indeed.

When the project is completed, I'd appreciate a quick summary to 
indicate whether the Board was satisfied with the contractor.

Sure, I'll follow up when it's done so it should appear in the minutes.
Would you like something explicit on this list too?

Neil McGovern
Executive Director, The GNOME Foundation

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