Re: Budgets and spending Foundation money

On Tue, 2017-12-05 at 18:00 +0000, Neil McGovern wrote:

The primary place which we're collecting this information is at https:/
/, and links off there. This
holds the current policies that have been approved by the board, as
well as...
*drumroll* - this year's approved budget! We think it's important for
Foundation members to be able to see this, and so it's linked above.
The budget itself should be fairly self-explanatory, but if anyone has
some questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to explain.


Two new policies also got approved - the spending policy and the
reserves policy.

Spending Policy: For spending, the previous position was that the board
had to give their approval before any Foundation money was spent -
which means a full vote of the board. We've introduced new approval
limits (ie: greater than the zero it was before) in order to make
things a bit more flexible. Additionally, there's the concept of budget
holders - people or teams who can approve spending. These will be
reviewed on an annual basis.
Currently, there's not much change to the way things work for the
Travel Committee. Sysadmin funds can be handled by Andrea Veri
directly, and the engagement team (or more specifically, Nuritzi) can
approve items from the marketing and 'small events' areas.

How much spending are you expecting to be done through the travel
policy for the next financial year and in which items in the budget is
this represented?


PS: Other than that, I noticed:
 * Limit for flights is >$1,650 in the summary but >$1800 in the text
 * Text says "Conservancy" (instead of Foundation?) in one place

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