Agenda for board meeting on February 13

Hello Foundation members!

The board will be having its regular meeting this Friday at 17h UTC.

That's actually in 30 minutes, sorry for not being able to announce it
earlier this time.

This is a "normal" meeting after the special ED Search meeting we've had
this Wednesday. It replaces the meeting that was canceled last Friday.

Here's an overview of the proposed agenda/topics for this meeting:

      * Update about the privacy money progress
      * Entering an agreement with the WHS
      * Calling for Sponsors for GNOME.Asia Summit
      * ED search
      * Responding to a phone press inquiry that was left on the
      * Surprise! Desktop Summit 2011 taxes.
      * Sysadmin sponsorship
      * Review action items
      * Etc.

(Other topics may be brewing in the backlog but not included in the
meeting agenda until they have reached the required threshold of
information or discussion on the board list)

If you would like the board to discuss any particular issues at the next
meeting, you are welcome to request additions to the agenda here.

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