Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Anish Patil

Hi Andre!

>thanks for running!
Thank you!

>What is currently blocking to be more active and/or successful to reach
 >these goals, and how do you think that being on the board will help you
>to achieve these goals?

I did try to run hackfest in India couple of times but real problem is fund raising, i did reach few Indian companies to sponsor for events/hackfests but unfortunately that did not go that well.Being a board director i wоuld get better insight for board's financial status and i used to be an account and project manager for one of the Bank in South Africa and i hope i could utilize that experience.
And for fund raising, i am working on it(in-fact i tried to get sponsership for GNOME.ASIA but it was on a short notice)

Anish P.

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