Re:'s future

Hi Shaun,

It's certainly recognized that shutting down would
cause pain for people who are using it. But in the end, system
administration resources are limited, and we have to balance that
against the costs to us to provide an open-ended promise to continue
running the service indefinitely.

With email, we have to have a functioning email server for,
anyways and all we provide on top of that is automated aliases. The
incremental security and maintenance burden of email addresses
is minimal.

With XMPP, on the other hand, we have a complete service which is
running *only* to provide XMPP service to on the order of a dozen
people. I don't think this is a strategic use of our resources.

The only way it would make sense to me is if we had some expectation
that over time that the number of users would grow to a significant
fraction of the GNOME membership.

- Owen

On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 10:59 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 13:45 +0100, Andrea Veri wrote:
Howdy guys,

as you may know we're currently hosting an openfire istance (jabber
server) on one of our machines, I'm currently migrating a good bunch
of services and reviewing all the services we host in case they need
an upgrade or just a little maintenance. 

I have a few questions I would like to ask to our Foundation members
( is actually a service meant for
addresses) about our jabber service:

1. have you ever used
2. is it a service you find useful?

I use it every single day. It is my primary IM account. 

3. do you think we should discontinue it? if yes, why? if not, why?

No. For the same reason I don't think I should lose my
email address. It's part of my digital identity.

4. what are the major issues you had with it and you would like to see
fixed? (apart the self-signed SSL certificate, which will be fixed

For some reason, you can't use the default server settings.
I have to put Server:, Port: 5223, and check
"Use old SSL" in Empathy to make it work.

Also, the password is tied to the Mango password, which is
some autogenerated nonsense I can never remember. Good thing
we have a keyring in GNOME, but it's a hassle when setting
up a new machine.


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