Re:'s future


On 01.03.2013 13:45, Andrea Veri wrote:
1. have you ever used <>?
Hm. Well. My clients logs me in, yes. But I don't really use the account.

2. is it a service you find useful?
No. There is no extra service compared to other jabber services. Except
that we self-host it, which usually is a big plus. But I don't see the
costs of running the instance outweigh the benefits. Especially since we
use IRC.

3. do you think we should discontinue it? if yes, why? if not, why?
Yes. I know Openfire as a resource hungry and unmaintained beast. I am
glad to see that they do releases but I remember very well that we had
to switch our XMPPd because of gaping security holes in Openfire.
Plus, right now one has to use the Mango password which allows to log in
to various GNOME services. Given that it's easy to get the crypto layer
wrong, the risk of exposure of the password is high.

4. what are the major issues you had with it and you would like to see
fixed? (apart the self-signed SSL certificate, which will be fixed soon)
One could think of a shared roster.


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