El 01/03/2013 12:59 p.m., Shaun McCance escribió:+1
On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 13:45 +0100, Andrea Veri wrote:
Howdy guys,
as you may know we're currently hosting an openfire istance (jabber
server) on one of our machines, I'm currently migrating a good bunch
of services and reviewing all the services we host in case they need
an upgrade or just a little maintenance.
I have a few questions I would like to ask to our Foundation members
(jabber.gnome.org is actually a service meant for @gnome.org
addresses) about our jabber service:
1. have you ever used jabber.gnome.org?
2. is it a service you find useful?
I use it every single day. It is my primary IM account.
3. do you think we should discontinue it? if yes, why? if not, why?
No. For the same reason I don't think I should lose my @gnome.org
email address. It's part of my digital identity.
4. what are the major issues you had with it and you would like to see
fixed? (apart the self-signed SSL certificate, which will be fixed
For some reason, you can't use the default server settings.
I have to put Server: jabber.gnome.org, Port: 5223, and check
"Use old SSL" in Empathy to make it work.
Also, the password is tied to the Mango password, which is
some autogenerated nonsense I can never remember. Good thing
we have a keyring in GNOME, but it's a hassle when setting
up a new machine.
foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list gnome org
Dropping @gnome.org support would hurt foundation members Internet identity and more importantly, where would emails sent to @gnome.org go? If the answer is they would simply be lost, then I think we should keep the service alive - I gave most of my contacts the gnome address.
Have a good day,
Nicolás Satragno <nsatragno gnome org>
GNOME Spanish translator & proofreader