Re: Question to candidates

On Thu, 2013-06-06 at 01:29 +0200, Tobias Mueller wrote:
Hi Gil, everyone.

On 26.05.2013 22:17, Gil Forcada wrote:
but what about relations with
companies and GNOME's ecosystem. GNOME has a large advisory board and
there are lots of companies and interests around it. Do you feel
comfortable and up to the task for that too?
Yes I do. And I think it is necessary for us to keep current advisory
board members happy and to try to find new ones. I wouldn't necessarily
actively engage with them though, as I think Karen is better suited for
that. But I would if it becomes necessary.

Are the current advisory members happy? How do we measure that?

By *we* I mean GNOME Foundation represented by you, the board of

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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