Re: Candidacy: Emmanuele Bassi

    the main lesson learned in these past 10 years is that writing a
    "graphical interface" in a vacuum, shielded by layers of abstractions
    is not only impossible: it's actively wrong.


    GNOME requires, in order to build a full user experience (not just the
    user interface bits, but also the interaction between them and the
    device, and the user), a full set of vertically designed and integrated
    capabilities: from the chosen kernel (generally Linux) to the low-level
    kernel/user space interaction (e.g. udev); from the IPC mechanism (e.g.
    D-Bus) to the initialization system; from the authentication and
    authorization framework up to the login manager   and we haven't even
    logged into the session yet!

The term "full set" seems like a stretch.  This includes many
components of the system, but not the whole of it.  This set is only
"full" if "full" means "considerable".

Referring to GNOME as an "operating system" will suggest it is an
alternative to other systems, such as in particular GNU.  That's going
to cause conflicts which there is no practical reason to have.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
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