Re: GNOME Speaker Guidelines

On 6/25/10 8:41 AM, "Alan Cox" <alan lxorguk ukuu org uk> wrote:
>> That's completely irrelevant. Do we need to write a list of "no bag
>> stealing", "no puppy strangling" etc.? Sexual assaults are supposed to
>> be dealt with using law enforcement, not speaker guidelines.

No, because coming up with a "detailed list of rules", as I said earlier,
does not really help address the issue at hand here. Sexual assaults should
indeed be dealt with by law enforcement.

"Jokes" presented in the course of a keynote at a major technical conference
which are tantamount to encouraging or even advocating sexual assault, or
providing some sort of bizarre justification for it (i.e. "holy duty"), are
another matter entirely. There is no law against them, nor should there be,
but that doesn't make them the least bit acceptable in this context.

> Assault is - but where for example would you draw the line given a
> speaker appearing in a swastika t-shirt and making jewish jokes (which in
> most of the world would merely be very offensive not a crime) and "not
> being our problem"
> That is the same question but put in blunter terms about an issue over
> which there is more consensus and awareness.

Thank you, Alan.

My point, if it was somehow unclear, is that "jokes" like Mr. Stallman's
can't possibly _discourage_ someone like this would-be rapist.

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