Re: Question for Bastian Nocera

    > Speaking as Stormy and not as ED, I think this is a losing battle. I agree
    we need to continue to educate people but I don't think GNU/Linux is going
    to be the way it happens.

Saying "GNU/Linux" is a simple and effective way to teach people about
the real history of the system that many of them have been taught to
call "Linux".  It is also very efficient, since it takes so little work.

It also spreads awareness of the GNU operating system, including GNOME.
Further, it shows people a further reason to pay attention when we urge
them to care about their own freedom.

Since calling the system "Linux" means giving the credit for our work
(including GNOME) to Mr Torvalds, and that is unfair to all of us.
So even aside from the beneficial consequences of saying "GNU/Linux",
common decency requires it.

    We need to work on other campaigns to spread the word about the value of
    free software.

I agree completely.  We need to use many approaches, some of which
might take more effort than this one but would still be worth while.

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