Re: OOXML [was Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07]

On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 11:46:47PM -0400, Corey Burger wrote:
> Wait a sec. The simple matter is that we are getting hammered for
> something that isn't even true. How is the board fixing that?

Apparently, it *is* true, but a PR as proposed didn't end up being

It's a pity because unintentionally it left an open flank.

One cannot run the risk of making dubious action with relation to
Microsoft, because inclear situations play *only* onto Microsoft's

I don't mean "one should attack Microsoft", I think that the Board
already has difficulties managing it's time for "defending GNOME users"
on the subject of OOXML (clearly, since a PR didn't get issued) so I
don't think such a shallow action is deserveful of valuable time.

If one wants a clear example of how dubious action plays in favour of
Microsoft, just look at the EU/Microsoft deal, where Comission
congratulates itself for defefat, Microsoft sheds crocodile tears, and
Microsoft Tax get Seal of Approval from Commission.

Talk about a successful PR campaign... most of the world is joyful of
Microsoft's "fake defeat".


Today is Pungenday, the 11st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3173
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+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
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