Re: Substituting "Linux" with "GNU/Linux" or "GNU"

Le samedi 21 octobre 2006, à 22:44, Germán Poó Caamaño a écrit :
> In the last item of the agreement it says:
> "- In the very few cases where the operative systems need to be
> enumerated, we recommend the use of the formula "GNU/Linux (commonly
> called Linux)", that has already been used i.e. in the release notes."
> According to the Richard Stallman statement, it is right call it Linux
> when you are talking about the the kernel.  But even in such case the
> Board recommends to call it "GNU Linux (commonly called Linux)". This 
> is what I understand for 'operative system' in *this context*.

I believe the consensus is really to use "GNU Linux (commonly called
Linux)" when talking about the whole OS (GNOME included), not about the
kernel. And as Jeff emphasized, we should avoid talking about the OS as
a whole when it doesn't matter.


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