Re: Substituting "Linux" with "GNU/Linux" or "GNU"

On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 22:34 +0200, Quim Gil wrote:
> Sorry for my Spanglish. The conclusions are the same, though.
> > If you refer 'operative system' as 'operating system', it has only one name: Linux.
> Others differ and we don't want to get into this old debate. See i.e. the beginning of
> If you find a real example in the GNOME software, documentation or websites where the recommendations of the board would be wrong or not applicable please let us know.

Please, don't misunderstand me. I do not want to start this old debate

My point is the Board is being more strict about this issue than
Richard Stallman itself:

"When you say "Linux" here, does that refer to the kernel, or do you
have in mind a complete operating system that includes GNOME?  (I
cannot tell from the context; the latter meaning would seem to fit the
context better, but the former meaning does fit too.)

If the meaning you have in mind is the latter one, the whole system,
would you please call it "GNU/Linux"?"

In the last item of the agreement it says:
"- In the very few cases where the operative systems need to be
enumerated, we recommend the use of the formula "GNU/Linux (commonly
called Linux)", that has already been used i.e. in the release notes."

According to the Richard Stallman statement, it is right call it Linux
when you are talking about the the kernel.  But even in such case the
Board recommends to call it "GNU Linux (commonly called Linux)". This 
is what I understand for 'operative system' in *this context*.

Unfortunately there are programs, such gnome-nettool, which I maintain,
that has some parts that are Linux specific, because of the kernel, not
the "complete operating system" GNU/Linux (commonly called Linux).

This is only for the record and I think that I have shown my point.
Just for avoid in the future "nobody said nothing, so everybody were

Best regards,

Germán Poó-Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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