Re: Substituting "Linux" with "GNU/Linux" or "GNU"

<quote who="Quim Gil">

> - In the very few cases where the operative systems need to be enumerated,
> we recommend the use of the formula "GNU/Linux (commonly called Linux)",
> that has already been used i.e. in the release notes.

Quim mentioned, but didn't quite emphasise, that in the majority of cases we
*should avoid* mentioning details such as the 'kernel' or 'operating system'
at all. The recommendation should only be invoked in outstanding cases where
this information is relevant at the user interface level (in an ideal world,
where our documentation could be easily branded and changed by distributors,
that would be the place to mention specifics -- and those specifics would be
trademarks of distributions and operating environments).


- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
             "jwz? no way man, he's my idle" - James Wilkinson

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