XFree bugzilla [was: Re: 11 Questions to answer]

On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 16:18, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 07:26:52AM -0800, Jim Gettys hp com wrote: 
> > My opinion is that things can't/won't change there unless/until the
> > overall community both makes it clear the current situation is a major
> > problem, *and* is able/willing to volunteer the effort to keep such
> > a bugzilla system an advantage rather than a liability.  There has
> > been some on the former (lots of grousing, by me, and others),
> > but so far, we don't have committment by people
> > able and willing to spend the time on the triage end.
> > 
> > Without such triage and management of the bugzilla on an ongoing basis,
> > I think the XFree86 core team's current consensus is probably correct.
> > 
> > So if people are willing to volunteer to do this work, please let me know;
> > I'd like to remove objections to progress in this area.
> Seems there's a bit of chicken-and-egg there; for gnome.org we do have
> an amazing number of triage volunteers that are hugely helpful (I know
> because I'm also responsible for part of redhat.com bugzilla where I
> have no volunteers and am thus significantly more doomed and spend a
> whole lot more time on it), but you have to create the bugzilla and
> get people involved (e.g. via Luis's bug days) *before* you can have
> triagers, you won't have triagers from day one. Also you have to be
> sure people avoid, say, flaming the triagers. ;-) But hopefully that's
> straightforward.
> For a long time gnome.org didn't have triagers because Luis wasn't
> recruiting and teaching people how; but I think mozilla.org has always
> had lots of them.
> Maybe we could donate part of our Thursday bug days to XFree ;-)

Maybe we could; the question we need to ask is whether we have enough
human resources to help XFree and yet keep GNOME bugzilla in a
reasonable shape at the same time. Surprisingly, I think that we might


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