Re: USA states' proposal to force port of MS Office to free platforms

le sam 08-12-2001 à 22:00, Daniel Veillard a écrit :
>   I don't expect any useable MS office suite on Linux anytime soon, at least
> not until they have a very clear financial incentive to do so.

Sure, *BUT* if I've understood correctly, the states proposal wasn't at
all about this: it was only about letting MS sell Office licences to
third parties to let them port it to whatever they want, in a timely
manner (as defined by the court). Anyone having bought the right to port
Office will sure make lots of efforts to ensure it works well.

So yes, you could end up having Office on a Linux box. A good port even.
Terrific huh ?
Do you still want to favor proprietary software on the Gnome platform ?
This would kill Gnome Office, for sure.


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