Random thoughts on this elections (was Re: Candidacy (Michael Meeks))

Michael Meeks <michael helixcode com> writes:

> * Random thoughts on this election
> 	It worries me that so many non-hackers have put themselfs up
> as candidates for board membership. [ _hacker_ hereinafter refers to
> any or all of documenter, UI designer, artist, translator, and coder
> ]. Here is an ( unfortunately negative ) list of people I think we
> _don't_ need on the board:

Hi guys,

I think Michaels candidacy has brought up a very interesting and a very
important topic: the fact that there seems to be a misunderstanding about
what this election is good for and an even larger misunderstanding about
what the board of directors of the GNOME Foundation is supposed to do.

Michael, I fully agree with your concerns and I think we need to take
action here and tell people what this election is about. Since our
membership requirements are so lax we'll also get a larger number of
non-technical people vote and there may be even some `users' who're just
doing some "advocacy" to vote.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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