Re: Draft for review: press event invite

Miguel - Are you comfortable with Maciej's suggestion below that we go back 
to saying the GNOME Steering Committee?

If I recall correctly, on the initial conference call, we discussed who was 
making this announcement.  I think we concluded the press release will 
start out:  The GNOME Steering Committee today announced the formation of 
the GNOME Foundation....

So I was trying to parallel that.  It doesn't make a great deal of 
difference either way for the email invites, but Greg will need to know for 
the press release, and that is pretty important.

Thanks all...Barb

At 03:32 PM 7/27/00 -0700, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>Miguel de Icaza <> writes:
> > > On behalf of the Gnome Steering Committee, you are cordially invited 
> to a
> > > press conference on August 15th at LinuxWorld. This event will be kicked
> > > off by Miguel de Icaza, founder of the Gnome project and Helix Code. The
> > > Gnome project provides a fully open sourced, free desktop environment 
> for
> > > Unix-like systems.
> >
> > I would change that to "On behalf of the GNOME project".
> >
>One of the reasons the Steering Committee was originally formed, if
>you look at the initial purpose statement, was to supervise the
>formation of the GNOME Foundation. So I think it would make sense to
>say the Steering Committee is announcing this and sending the
>invitation. I'm not sure I would feel as comfortable claiming that we
>are speaking on behalf of the whole GNOME project.
>  - Maciej
>Foundation-announcement mailing list

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