Re: Announcing Board of Directors Elections 2016

Given the fact not enough candidacies were submitted the deadline for
announcing candidacies is extended till the 21st of May, 23:59 UTC.

As a Director serving since two years already I would love to mention
being on the Board is definitely a great experience and a way to learn
how one of the most famous FOSS-related non-profit Foundations around
the globe is actually ran behind the scenes. If you are a Foundation
Member, have some spare time and willing to contribute to the GNOME
Project in a way which doesn't strictly involve coding or any other
development task, feel free to apply! I'm sure you will find this
experience very rewarding!

What we need from you is an e-mail to foundation-announce gnome org
providing the following details:

1. your full name
2. e-mail address
3. corporate affiliation (if any)
4. your reasons for wanting to serve as a director

At your disposition for further questions,

2016-05-17 14:19 GMT+02:00 Andrea Veri <av gnome org>:

another friendly reminder to everyone interested in running for this
year's Board of Directors elections. The final date for submitting
candidacies is tomorrow (18th of May) at 23:59 UTC, the deadline is
very close already!

We need you to send the following details to the
foundation-announce gnome org mailing list:

1. your full name
2. e-mail address
3. corporate affiliation (if any)
4. your reasons for wanting to serve as a director


2016-05-12 12:54 GMT+02:00 Andrea Veri <av gnome org>:
2016-04-28 18:26 GMT+02:00 Andrea Veri <av gnome org>:

The most important deadlines (UTC) in the timeline are the following:

                          *GNOME Board Elections 2016*
                2016-05-06: List of candidates opens.
                2016-05-18: Last day to announce candidacies, submit summary statements.
                2016-05-21: Final list of candidates.
                2016-05-25: Instructions mailed to eligible voters, voting begins.
                2016-06-08: Voting closes.
                2016-06-10: Preliminary results are announced.
                2016-06-17: Last day to challenge preliminary results.

This a reminder for everyone interested in running for this year's
Board of Directors elections to send in candidacies by mailing the
foundation-announce gnome org mailing list providing the following

1. your full name
2. e-mail address
3. corporate affiliation (if any)
4. your reasons for wanting to serve as a director

The deadline is approaching fast!



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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