Minutes of the Board Meeting of November, 10th, 2015

= Minutes for Tuesday, November 10th, 2015, 20:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, November 17th, 2015, 20:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Jeff F. T. (joined late)
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Andrea Veri
 * Shaun McCance
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Sri (invited by the board)

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day

== Missing ==

== Board meeting ==

 * West Coast Summit
  * The conference was started by Sri as a way to engage more contributors
  * Sri feels it's probably time to bring the conference to the next level and thought of launching a GNOME 
Libre Application Summit
   * It's going to happen in May (if appropriate funding will be collected) and will be held in Portland, 
co-located with OpenSuse. 3 core days, 2 days hackfests.
    * OpenSuse is planning an hackfest to happen during the conference
   * The main topics are going to be related on XDG-App, GNOME's SDK and the sandboxing of applications 
   * It targets both users and developers as it tries to enhance the relationship between GNOME and device 
drivers manufacturers, large application writers such as Mozilla and LibreOffice but it also tries to engage 
and attract new contributors
   * The conference reached a grand total of 5k USD of funding, 6.5k USD are required for the venue rental
   * Sri is also requesting Board's approval about the possibility to use GNOME's assets such as the logo, 
name but also having the same GNOME Foundation handling all the financial side of the conference
    * This includes having Rosanna dealing with it to help Sri tracking conference's finances
   * Many are also the possible risks:
    * Organizers not being able to raise the money to cover the conference
    * Organizers not being able to raise the team of volunteers to run the conference
    * Organizers not being able to get sufficient interest in the conference
   * Is the conference expecting a travel budget assigned to it?
    * Sri would like to have some of the core GNOME contributors joining the conference
    * Next step would be finding out whether travel subsidies will be guaranteed and what the budget assigned 
to it is going to be
   * Q/A: Are you reaching out to possible Adboard members for sponsoring the conference?
    * Sri: Yes, I specifically have in mind asking Red Hat at first then other possible companies 
    * Concern: Adboard members may chose to sponsor this conference instead of GUADEC/GNOME.Asia
   * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to Sri asking whether he could prepare a budget report (similar to how 
GUADEC bids are managed) for the event and forward it to the Board

 * ED search update
  * Should have some suggestions about possible nominees soon

 * Review action items and re-assign as needed:
  * Sri, Christian: Privacy funds hackfest
   * The next step could be organizing the hackfest, who would be available to organize this?
   * Ideally, rather than the board organizing it, interested parties should take care of this initiative and 
then request funding from the board
   * ACTION: Cosimo to follow up with interested parties in how to spend the funds related to this
  * Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
  * Sri to coordinate with engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork
   * ACTION: Allan will help with the coordination, as he is also part of the team.
   * ACTION: Alexandre to reach out to Allan to communicate the new action item

 * HELLOTUX trademark agreement
   * Still needs hard copy signed from Shaun
 * Ubuntu GNOME trademark agreement
   * Agreement needs reading from all the members of the board, then we can vote on it
 * Logo copyright issue: www.fuzzies.dk
   * Their logo is creative commons (?) but not giving proper attribution
   * ACTION: Rosanna to email the GNOME foot logo license paperwork to the board
   * ACTION: Alexandre to reach out to Jakub Steiner to check what the license is for the GNOME foot logo
 * Update on adboard meeting preparation
   * Pending action item for Cosimo to reach out to Accessibility team
   * Kat has reached out to Daniel Stone who would be happy to join to report about Wayland
   * Did we hear back from Alexander Larsson?
     * We didn't actually contact him yet!
     * ACTION: Kat to get in touch with Alexander Larsson

 * Google Play account
   * ACTION: Cosimo to reach out to Javier from release-team to see if there is any update on this
 * Instagram filters in GNOME: see email thread by the same name
 * Open items:
  * GIMP reimbursements
  * Desktop Summit taxes
  * GNOME.Asia
  * Budget

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Remembering a former GNOME contributor: Telsa Gwynne
  * The GNOME Foundation was made aware of the loss of Telsa Gwynne, former director of the Board
  * The GNOME Engagement team prepared and published a post on gnome.org in her memory
   * https://www.gnome.org/news/2015/11/in-memory-of-telsa-gwynne

== Completed actions ==

 * Allan will send an email to the mailing list to vote on numbers for the conference sponsorships for 2016
 * Allan to get back to Pam and check if there is an option to proceed with an unregistered trademark for the 
old GNOME foot that still protects the GNOME brand
 * Allan to make the board should finalise the sponsorship levels and joint sponsorship discount, and email 
the organising teams for comment
 * Allan will follow up with Pam with the result of further discussion about the Ubuntu GNOME logo (include 
GNOME Shell + Control Center in the agreement with an option for the Board to review)
 * Kat to get in touch with people to invite someone to talk to the adboard about Wayland and GNOME

== Pending action items ==
 * On re-assigning Christian and previous Board members action items
  * Allan and Sri to coordinate with the engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork
   * Alexandre to reach out to Allan to communicate the new action item as the above was firstly assigned to 
  * Cosimo to follow up with interested parties on how to spend the Privacy campaign funds
 * Logo copyright issue: www.fuzzies.dk
   * Rosanna to email the GNOME foot logo license paperwork to the board
   * Alexandre to reach out to Jakub Steiner to check what the license is for the GNOME foot logo
 * Adboard meeting preparation
  * Kat to get in touch with Alexander Larsson
 * Alexandre to get back to Sri asking whether he could prepare a budget report (similar to how GUADEC bids 
are managed) for the GNOME Libre Application Summit conference and forward it to the Board
 * Advisory Board related:
  * Cosimo to get in touch with GNOME's accessibility team about team's state of art
  * Shaun to send an e-mail to adboard list with a proposed date, time and agenda for the next advisory board 
 * Jeff and Cosimo to handle the first review of sysadmin sponsorship brochure and any eventual improvement 
the sponsorship brochure
 * Kat and Rosanna to schedule a call with Marta to sort things out with the Desktop Summit taxes
 * Allan to take the sponsorship brochure forward, through the Engagement Team
 * Allan: Ubuntu GNOME agreement followup with Pam
 * Shaun: GNOME logo use by podiatrist
  * Podiatrist possible trademark infringement: Shaun to check the trademark details for the GNOME logo and 
update the licensing page on the website (obsolete)
 * Allan: Hellotux agreement
 * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be sponsored with money raised for 
defence against Groupon
 * Logo usage for t-shirts: Jeff to carry on with the process and follow up and have some general guidelines 
written down for future cases
 * Allan to make a proposal for a different way to use the wiki/etherpad for action items, instead of using 
kanboard (done, but yet to be discussed by the board)
 * Create a webpage for prior pants winners (Shaun and Allan)
 * Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered 
final over all the GNOME yearly events
 * Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
 * Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
 * Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
 * Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
 * Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
 * Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
 * Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av

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